Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lynchian Bride

Lynchian Bride, originally uploaded by brendan.oshea.

Me and Rom picked the worst day to do an outdoor shoot. We had to keep the gals inside cars until the last minute because the 50 kmh winds made their hair and makeup look like they'd just woken up after a drunken night on the town. We had to change the concept a little since there was no way we'd get a glamour shot, so we went for a kind of David Lynch/Steven Klein thing. We used 4 bare 580EXII's since there was no way to put a brolly up. Even then I had 2 flashes hit the concrete from the stands being blown over.
We tried in vain to fire a flash through a scrim but it was like a kite, and nearly dragged the wardrobe girl across town, like the cow in Wizard of Oz. Next time we'll check the weather report.


wrestling, originally uploaded by brendan.oshea.

2 580EXII's, a 430EX and a Sunpak. Me and Rom figured this would be a good double page spread for Melbourne Bride magazine. Lots of room for type and composed to leave room for the gutter. Kind of different to what they're used to it probably raised a few well manicured eyebrows. Or whatever they do with their eyebrows over there.